Resource Recommendations
Some of the feedback we have received is that you would like some recommendations for podcasts or other electronic resources. One of our favorite podcasts is Dr. Chatterjee's Feel Better Live More. He interviews world reknown, cutting edge professionals on topics ranging from gut microbiome to reducing stress and overwhelm, to cultivating more happiness in your life.
Another great resource from Dr. Chatterjee is his Friday Five email. This free weekly email contains 5 simple ideas to improve your health and wellbeing. He also explains his BiteSize for the week. Bitesize is a 10 minute excerpt from a longer podcast that shares the essence of the original podcast. Listening to BiteSize is a great way to pick up a few tips and refresh yourself by focusing on your health for a shorter time frame; try listening on your way to or from school! Here is an example if you want to check it out. If you like it, here is the link to sign up for his Friday Five. Lastly, here is the link for his website in case you want to check out all of his resources.
Make it a beautiful day!