Teaching Self Care in a Selfless Field
Topic Specific Workshops
Digestive Wellness and Food Prep for Educators
NYS SEL Benchmark 1C
Your gut microbiome is the foundation to your health, including your mental health. Find out what it is and how to nourish it. Weekly food prep is an essential tool for promoting healthy digestion and a happy gut microbiome; strategies and recipes are included to set you up for a healthy week of eating.
Promoting Self-Care: Morning and Night Routines
NYS SEL Benchmark 1B, 1C
How you begin and end your day is key to your health. Learn about the health benefits of incorporating body, mind, and heart wellness routines and how to implement new routines effectively for long term success. Each participant creates an individualized action plan with a provided template.
Meditation 101
NYS SEL Benchmark 1B, 1C
Everyone can meditate and practicing even a few minutes each day can yield huge health benefits. Learn the health benefits of meditation, techniques for successful integration into your daily routine, a variety of different meditations, and resources to support your practice.
Self-Care Strategies for Stressful Student Interactions
NYS SEL Benchmark 1A, 1C, 2A, 2C, 3B
Student-educator interactions when students don’t behave as expected can lead to chronic stress for both students and staff due to the way our brains are hardwired. Participants learn why we and students react this way, the effects, and techniques to care for ourselves and students to mitigate the effects of chronic stress. In addition, these strategies provide equal access to wellness knowledge critical for student development.
Strategies to manage work stress
NYS SEL Benchmark 1A, 1C, 3B.A
Long-term exposure to unmanaged stress takes a toll on your physical and mental health, and can lead to burnout. In this workshop, learn about the signs and effects of chronic stress, identify individual workplace stressors, and create an individualized action plan with quick and actionable strategies.
21 Day Well Body Challenge, Summer 2024
NYS SEL Benchmark 1C
Summer is the perfect time to focus on wellness and set yourself up for a healthy fall! We'll explore one topic a week: food, sleep and movement. Includes an e-book with a weekly teaching video, a daily wellness challenge, activity guidance resources, and a space for reflection. Participants work at their own pace to set goals and build healthy habits according to their personal needs.
Mindset: How you Talk To Yourself Matters
NYS SEL Benchmark 1A, 2A, 3B
The most important conversations you have are with yourself. The voice in your head determines how you feel about yourself and how you take action. Learn how to pay attention to the messages you give yourself, identify fixed mindset statements that interfere with our wellness, and rewrite these mindset statements about your wellness to growth mindset statements to pave your wellness journey.
Creating Habits that Stick
In this fast-paced profession, educators often do not have time to prioritize their health and wellness which negatively affects themselves, not to mention students, and can lead to burnout. Workshop participants learn about a holistic approach to educator self-care and wellness, the concept of habit stacking, and identify actionable steps to incorporate self-care which will better equip teachers to positively impact student learning and achievement.
Keeping Your Immune System Strong
NYS SEL Benchmark 1C
With the plethora of new viruses going around, it’s crucial to keep your immune system strong. Learn about lifestyle tips, nutrition, and holistic methods to enhance your immunity.
Workshop Series
We offer Educator Health Foundations for year 1 participants, and EH Beyond Foundations for continuing participants. Both series are based on our holistic approach to educator self-care and wellness, infusing classroom practices where applicable. Participants learn quick and actionable techniques and strategies to use throughout the day coupled with many opportunities for collaboration and discussion. The series is designed for praxis, continued learning, support, and accountability.
Series support the following NYS SEL Benchmark indicators: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2C, 2D.A, 3A, 3B, 3C
Educator Health: Foundations
In this fast-paced profession, educators often do not have time to prioritize their health and wellness which negatively affects themselves, not to mention students, and can lead to burnout. In this workshop series, participants investigate the why, how, and what behind teacher wellness: a holistic approach to educator self-care and wellness, identify common stressors, understand the health impact of stress, and learn quick and actionable techniques and strategies to use throughout the day. These strategies prioritize educators’ self-care and better equip educators to positively impact student learning and achievement as well as being able to pay it forward to their students.
Audience: preK-12 Educators
Format: Workshop series, 12 hours
Educator Health: Beyond Foundations
Educators continue their wellness journey by building on Foundations topics and exploring new topics. Participants dive into the science behind long-term change to set individualized long term goals. Each session includes colleague collaboration and support, Qi Gong moves that can be used in the classroom, and new knowledge & strategies.
Audience: PK - 12 Educators
Format: Workshop series, 9-12 hours
Promoting Wellness District-Wide
Direct Consulting for Administrators
Administrators are facing increasing challenges with staff retention due to increasing stress and burnout. We assist administrators in identifying areas for growth and provide strategies for infusing wellness practices into meetings, the district culture, and in classroom practices.
District Wide Wellness Challenges
Infuse your district with new wellness practices in the form of fun, voluntary challenges aimed to provide more information around wellness practices as well as fostering connections amongst staff.
Each individual challenge kicks off with a 1 hour synchronous meeting to provide pertinent wellness information and directions for the team challenge. A final meeting celebrates successes, analyzes challenges, and identifies next steps.
Challenge topics include:
clean eating
mindful eating
sugar detox
Other topics available upon request!
Wellness Coaching
Individual as well as group coaching available. Wellness coaching focuses on breaking goals into manageable steps for successful change.
In person and Zoom options available.
Feel Better in 5
by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee
Maintaining our health can be tricky due to all the distractions in our busy lives and behavioral science shows most health plans aren't built for sustainability. Feel Better in 5 by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, provides a pathway that shapes to your life for a happier, healthier you using quick, actionable strategies. This 3 session workshop supports educator initiative and collaboration throughout.
Book Studies
Happy Mind, Happy Life
by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee
Dr. Chatterjee shares the most current insights into the science of happiness and shares10 simple ways to put you back in control of your health. He features real-life case studies and more than 20 practical exercises, including lessons on how to develop a positive mindset, create distance from your phone, deal with criticism, and bring calm and confidence to your life.
Feel Better in 5
by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee
BJ Fogg, habit expert and the founder of the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford University has uncovered how human behavior really works. We think we need will power and discipline, but those are "fickle friends." Learn the simplest proven ways to transform your life. This book provides a step-by-step guide to change any habits.