Saltwater Rinse

Sniffle…aaaachhhoooo….cough-cough-cough…..more sniffles….it sounds like a germ symphony in your classroom. The germs get passed around from one student to the next. You can almost see the germs flying around your classroom, wondering when they are going to attack you. In this day of COVID-19 and its variants, those sounds are even more threatening to your mental and physical health. The good news is there is a natural way to fight those germs that not only helps to combat viruses, but also has many other healthy benefits!

Saltwater Rinse

Saltwater rinse is proven to protect against the common cold and reduces upper respiratory infections by an average of 2 ½ days. Researchers also believe it’s a safe way to treat COVID 19 when infected. Saltwater gargling in combination with saltwater nasal irrigation are being studied as ways to prevent COVID as well. COVID replicates in the throat and nasal cavity Saltwater Rinse may play a role in reducing the severity and duration of the illness.

However, the benefits don’t stop there.

In addition, Saltwater Rinse:

  • Stops growth of bacteria in the mouth and inhibits plaque. Saltwater increases pH in the mouth making it more alkaline. Bacteria thrives in a more acidic environment. Also, saltwater literally draws water out of bacteria, dehydrating the cell so it cannot survive.

  • Promotes healing after dental procedures and dental surgery by helping with wound repair and preventing dry socket.

  • Relieves toothache, gum swelling and gum infections. Saltwater draws out fluids from swollen areas to help with inflammation and healing.

  • Helps with canker sores, sore throat and allergy symptoms.

Saltwater Rinse Instructions: Dissolve 1 tsp salt* in 8 ounces of warm water

For daily health benefits, gargle once a day and then swish around your mouth, teeth and gums for 15-30 seconds before spitting out.

When treating symptoms, frequency can be increased to 2-4 times a day. You might even pack a rinse in a thermos to bring to school to gargle at school!

*You can use different kinds of salt for the rinse. We suggest using Himalayan sea salt as it has extra minerals to aid in remineralization of teeth.


One Minute of Classroom Calm