Setting Intentions

With the new year approaching, many of us start to think about the big goals we want to set for the upcoming year. We start off with lots of vim and vigor, motivation and commitment…and then a day or so goes by, and we start thinking, “I’ll get to that tomorrow!” And then slowly, or more quickly for some of us, our big goals die away, which leads us to think, “I will never be able to…” The reality is, the more we set and don’t achieve our goals, the more our brain gets stuck in that groove.

The good news is this year can be different! Think about setting intentions rather than those big goals. First of all, what does setting an intention mean?

Setting an intention is making a commitment to yourself.

It’s personal accountability and keeps you purposeful throughout the day.

An intention can be a feeling, a vibe, how you want to BE. Set your intention by taking a moment in the morning to write down what you want to get from your day. Just spend a minute or so on this; if you spend longer, it may make this habit less sustainable.

This ritual is a great way to spend a few moments really being present. Throughout the day, you can revisit your intention and be mindful of how you want your day to go.

This practice also puts you in the right mindset to have a fantastic day. When you set your intentions, you attract positivity to your life.

How to Set a Daily Intention:

  1. Take 3 deep breaths and ground yourself in the present moment.

  2. Check in with how you want to feel today, how you want to be. What is your purpose for the day? What type of attitude do you want to have? What will make today meaningful? What do you need to focus on to achieve your goals?

  3. Pull out your favorite journal and pen and make sure to WRITE IT DOWN.

  4. You can start with “Today I intend to __________”

  5. Stick to one daily intention and really make it happen.

Here are some examples:

  • Today I intend to be present

  • Today I intend to eat mindfully

  • Today I intend to practice one random act of kindness

  • Today I intend to connect with a loved one

  • Today I intend to take a break from screen time

  • Today I intend to feel relaxed

We all have busy lives and sometimes we need some help remembering positive practices for a purposeful life. Even one of these tips can make a difference. In fact, these tips will help with any new habits.

  • Write your intention each day in your daily planner. When you look in your planner to see your schedule, you’ll revisit your daily intention

  • Habit stack your intention check-in. Attach it to lunch, your afternoon tea, dinner, teeth-brushing - something that occurs daily.

  • Set your phone alarm for two daily check-in times. When it goes off, repeat your intention to yourself.

  • Put it on a sticky note and post it where you’ll see it frequently during the day.

  • Do a daily intention meditation. After you write it down, close your eyes and focus on it for a few minutes to really help it sink in.

  • Before bed, re-visit your daily intention in your journal. What worked and what didn’t? Reflect on how you can make it work the next time.

Winter break is a great time to start this practice before school resumes in January. Give it a whirl and see what you manifest in your life!


Start tiny to make big changes


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