Benefits of Winter Walking

You might have heard the Christmas song “Baby it’s Cold Outside” and thought, yup…too cold to be outside! That can be your first thought. Your second thought might be…But not THAT cold! And your third thought can be, “In fact, getting outside in the cold has many health benefits!”

We know during this time of year it’s not as motivating to layer up and hit the trails for a walk. Your couch, blanket and Netflix seem extra inviting during the colder, darker days. But walking outdoors in the cold has many benefits. Read on to find out more!

Great for our mindset. Walking outdoors reduces stress and can help fight the winter blues. Sunlight and extra oxygen can boost your levels of endorphins and serotonin, your feel-good chemicals that help with mood. Getting outside in daylight during the dark days is particularly important for people who deal with seasonal affective disorder, even during the winter.

Good for our heart and waistline. Exercising in the cold burns more qi and more calories. One of the primary duties of qi is warming. When we get moving outside in the winter, it takes more energy to keep us warm. That, plus the energy we burn when exercising, makes it a super workout for losing weight. Working out in the cold also causes the heart to pump more oxygenated blood around the body than in warm weather. This combined with weight loss is good for the heart.

Good for your social interaction. Getting outside in our community, we have a greater chance of interacting with others than if we stay home to exercise. We can also take this time to exercise with a buddy. Social interaction keeps us young and healthy. Because motivation to get outdoors may be waning when it’s cold, having an exercise buddy can help keep you both going.

Good for the Immune System. Our immune system can be activated in the cold, making it better at fighting off infection and other illnesses. Taking a walk in the brisk air can help you avoid getting sick during the cold/flu season.

Good for the brain. Colder temperatures can help people think more clearly and FOCUS. Feeling stuffy or muddle-headed in your classroom? Take a quick stroll to the outdoors and let the cool air hit you. It will feel like instant clarity and a breath of qi washing over you. It really works! If you find yourself having difficulty concentrating, your mind's racing, or you’re feeling sluggish, go for a stroll in the cold and it will set you straight.

And remember, it only takes 5 minutes…or 2 minutes…or 30 seconds…to do a little something to help yourself out during the school day!


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