How to stop taking on the energy of others

You ever walk in a room and immediately feel a certain vibe around you? That’s energy.

Coming off a long weekend of holiday gatherings, there may have been moments when you were around people with negative energy. It could be someone with whom you have a history, or someone you just met but can feel negative energy from. Or, are your co-workers putting out negative energy about being back at school after the holiday break? Venting about students’ behavior? What do you do in those situations? An effective way to not take on the energy of others is to GROUND YOURSELF.

We are all made of energy at a cellular level, or as we call it in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), qi. This energy can extend beyond our physical being and can be felt by others. It also can be absorbed by others which is less than ideal if the energy is negative or draining.

Here’s a grounding exercise to practice before you go into any situation where you know you’ll be exposed to different energy in a social environment, at work, or at home.  And remember, unwanted energy can come at you in situations which are not in person, face to face.  It can be via Zoom, phone call, email or text.  

Grounding includes connecting to your own nature and also the nature of the earth. It can help us feel settled, secure and calm. It will help differentiate what is ours, and what is not ours.

In either a seated or standing position, place your feet firmly on the ground. Feel like they are planted from the tips of the toes, to the arch, to the back of your heels. Take three deep breaths. Envision a beam of light coming from the top of your head, down through your heart center, your hips, your legs, your feet and into the ground.

Now visualize yourself as a tree, with roots grounding you to the earth. Picture these roots extending out of the bottom of your feet, connecting you to nature. You are stable, secure, rooted.

One more nice addition is to come up with a grounding affirmation. It can be 2 phrases, one to repeat on the inhale, and the second on the exhale. As you do your visualization, deep breathe to these affirmations. Here are two examples.

“I am grounded. I am whole.”

“I see the beauty in everything. All is well.”

Practicing this daily will help grounding become natural, so you can quickly slip into your grounded state when needed. As things at school tend to get more hectic heading towards December break, and your colleagues might be more stressed during this time, use this technique to keep your wellness journey on target!


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