How's your balance?
Springtime is upon us - the blooms and greenery make us want to be outside enjoying what Mother Nature has to offer in this season (although those with allergies might be enjoying it from the inside!) We might be feeling that pull to slow down, but springtime in schools can cause our internal wheel to ramp up, thinking about what we still need to teach before our students move on. Overwhelm starts to creep in and we think, “I just have to get through this…”
This is a great time to check in with yourself to see how you are feeling. The first thing you might want to do is check in to see how you are feeling physically as most often, our bodies tell us when we are out of balance. Do you have any new aches? Starting to feel tired? How is the quality of your breathing? Sometimes we don’t breathe as deeply when we are stressed.
Next you might take a few moments to check in with yourself; journaling is a great tool for this. Questions you might ponder:
How am I feeling?
Am I over-doing anything?
What are my priorities?
What is required for my job and what is it something I am imposing on myself?
How am I doing with boundaries? Is there someone or something I can put on hold right now?
What do I need to give myself some rest and restoration each day?
Lastly, you might try a great mindfulness tool to bring you back into your body- a body scan meditation. In this type of meditation, you bring awareness to each part of the body, starting with your posture and breathing. Start at your head and work down, or begin at your feet, working up. The important thing is to pay attention to all the different physical sensations, without judgment. You might feel tingling, tightness, coolness, aches - just notice whatever it is you are feeling. And remember, your mind most likely will wander. This is normal; when you notice this happening, just return to your meditation. If you would prefer a more structured approach, here are 2 body scan meditations:
An effective way to become familiar with this form is to practice it daily for 2 weeks. That way it will feel more natural when you want to access it as a tool for relaxation and wellness.
It can be hard to remember to check in with yourself, especially when our society seems to value business over taking time to rest and restore. You might habit stack one or more of these strategies, or write it in your calendar so you have that reminder to prioritize your self-care.
Take care of yourself and enjoy the blooms!