Kindness is good for your health

What a welcome surprise to see Today featuring a segment on the health benefits of kindness! David Cregg, Ph.D, clinical psychologist and co-author of a study conducted at Ohio State University, published in The Journal of Positive Psychology, was featured. He states, “Social connection seems to be one of the most powerful ingredients for flourishing in life.” The study documented that performing acts of kindness may even result in greater social well-being than techniques used in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat depression and anxiety.

"There just seems to be something about having social connection that brings meaning and purpose into our lives. ... Without it, everything else just kind of feels empty," states Cregg.

But there are many more studies out there documenting the health benefits of kindness. Both UCLA and University of Virginia have conducted studies proving kindness really is contagious. What’s been dubbed a state of elevation motivates people to be a better person and help others.

“Witnessing an act of kindness, even between strangers, can make us feel better about our world, and make us more inclined to perform an act of kindness ourselves. Social scientists call this state “elevation,” an uplifting emotion often accompanied by a warm feeling in the chest, goosebumps, and sometimes even tears.” - UCLA

In the research participants were shown this video, “Unsung Hero.” Those who viewed the “Unsung Hero” video gave 25% more to charity than those who watched an athletic-stunt video.

Think about a small act of kindness you can do today - compliment a fellow educator or someone you don’t know, buy a coffee for your co-worker, hold the door for others, pick up some trash, smile at others, make your partner a cup of herbal tea…make your day, and someone else’s day, just a bit brighter and healthier!


Easy, yummy, and healthy soup!


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